Hurt Uke乐谱通过 Johnny Cash

6 在歌曲中使用的和弦: C, Dsus2, Am, D, G, F




Tablature / Chords (整首歌)

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年:  2003
Key: C, G和弦
Verse 1:

C C Dsus2 Dsus2 Am Am C C D D Am Am
I hurt myself today to see if I still feel

C C Dsus2 Dsus2 Am Am C C D D Am Am
I focus on the pain the only thing that's real

C C Dsus2 Dsus2 Am Am C C D D Am Am
The needle tears a hole the old familiar sting

C C Dsus2 Dsus2 Am Am C C D D *G G (*start chord strums)
Try to kill it all away but I remember everything


Am Am F F C C G G
What have I become? My sweetest friend

Am Am F F C C G G
Everyone I know goes away in the end

Am Am F F G G G G
And you could have it all My empire of dirt

Am Am F F G G - *Am Am (*return to finger style)
I will let you down I will make you hurt

Instrumental transition: (see intro)

Verse 2:

C C Dsus2 Dsus2 Am Am C C D D Am Am
I wear this crown of thorns upon my liar's chair

C C Dsus2 Dsus2 Am Am C C D D Am Am
Full of broken thoughts I cannot repair

C C Dsus2 Dsus2 Am Am C C D D Am Am
Beneath the stains of time the feeling disappears

C C Dsus2 Dsus2 Am Am C C D D *G G (*start chord strums)
You are someone else I am still right here


Am Am F F C C G G
What have I become? My sweetest friend

Am Am F F C C G G
Everyone I know goes away in the end

Am Am F F G G G G
And you could have it all My empire of dirt

Am Am F F G G G G
I will let you down I will make you hurt

Am Am F F G G G G
If I could start again A A million miles away

Am Am F F *G G (*one single strum only)
I would keep myself I would find a way

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Uke乐谱通过 , 18 Feb 2009

乐谱评价 (10)

Share your strumming patterns, chords or tips to play this tab!
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jackieboy3011 avatar
doesnt sound right at all lol
29 Mar 2022
SansSpelly avatar
The finger style is playing the C string then the E string and finishing it with a strum.
11 Apr 2019
neelazaytsev avatar
flag for RU(ISO2) (Saint-Petersburg)
i use single down strums in verses and dddd for the chorus for sure. if you'd play it on guitar you need to pluck two lowest strings on each chord and then just do single down strum(for verses)and just dddd for the chorus.
29 Mar 2019
neelazaytsev avatar
flag for RU(ISO2) (Saint-Petersburg)
strumming pattern?
19 Mar 2019
MyRandomName avatar
I don't think dduudu sp is right...
17 Mar 2019
erickitowz1 avatar
d d u u d u
07 Dec 2018
myfalkor avatar
04 Dec 2018
poiboy avatar
the Dsus2 is unnecessary.. a D will do just fine.
and the double G is verses is wrong.. should be C then G (eg. "my empire of dirt").
17 Oct 2016
henkiepiet avatar
very good tab!
04 Apr 2013
cash_fan avatar
love this song!
29 Dec 2011

Top Tabs and Chords by Johnny Cash, 不要错过这些歌曲!

关于这首歌: Hurt

