Up Where We Belong Uke乐谱通过 Joe Cocker

24 在歌曲中使用的和弦: D, G, Gm, D/F#, G/F#, Em, A7, G/B, C, F#, Bm, A/C#, E/G#, A, F, Eb, Bb, Db, Ab, Eb/G, Ab/G, Fm, Cm, Bb/D




Tablature / Chords (整首歌)

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专辑:  不知道
Key: 不知道和弦
| D D | D D | G G | Gm Gm | x2

[Verse 1]
D D G G Gm Gm D D D/F# D/F# G G Gm Gm
Who knows what tomorrow brings In a world, few hearts survive
D D G G Gm Gm D D D/F# D/F# G G G G G/F# G/F#
All I know is the way I feel When it's real I keep it alive

Em Em A7 A7 D D D/F# D/F# G G G/B G/B
The road is long There are mountains in our way
C C A7 A7 G G A7 A7
But we climb a step every day

D D D/F# D/F# G G G G G/F# G/F# Em Em D/F# D/F#
Love lift us up where we belong Where the eagles cry
C C G G A7 A7
On a mountain high
D D D/F# D/F# G G G G G/F# G/F# Em Em D/F# D/F#
Love lift us up where we belong Far from the world below
F# F# Bm Bm A/C# A/C# D D G G Gm Gm
up where the clear wind blows

[Verse 2]
D D G G Gm Gm D D D/F# D/F# G G Gm Gm
Some hang on to used to be Live their lives, looking behind
D D G G Gm Gm D D D/F# D/F# G G G G G/F# G/F#
All we have is here and now All our life, out there to find

Em Em A7 A7 D D D/F# D/F# G G G/B G/B
The road is long There are mountains in our way
C C A7 A7 G G A7 A7
But we climb a step every day

D D D/F# D/F# G G G G G/F# G/F# Em Em D/F# D/F#
Love lift us up where we belong Where the eagles cry
C C G G A7 A7
On a mountain high
D D D/F# D/F# G G G G G/F# G/F# Em Em D/F# D/F#
Love lift us up where we belong Far from the world we know
E/G# E/G# A A
up where the clear wind blows

F F C C Eb Eb Bb Bb Db Db Ab Ab Bb Bb Ab Ab Bb Bb
Time goes by no time to cry Life's you and I Alive today

Eb Eb Eb/G Eb/G Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab/G Ab/G Fm Fm Eb/G Eb/G
Love lift us up where we belong Where the eagles cry
Db Db Ab Ab Bb Bb
On a mountain high
Eb Eb Eb/G Eb/G Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab/G Ab/G Fm Fm Eb/G Eb/G
Love lift us up where we belong Far from the world we know
G G Cm Cm Bb/D Bb/D
up where the clear winds blow

[Chorus/Outro] (fade out)
Eb Eb Eb/G Eb/G Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab/G Ab/G Fm Fm Eb/G Eb/G
Love lift us up where we belong Where the eagles cry
Db Db Ab Ab Bb Bb
On a mountain high
Eb Eb Eb/G Eb/G Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab/G Ab/G Fm Fm Eb/G Eb/G
Love lift us up where we belong Far from the world we know
G G Cm Cm Bb/D Bb/D
up where the clear winds blow

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Uke乐谱通过 , 29 Aug 2022

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