Ballad Of The Dying Man Uke乐谱通过 Father John Misty

11 在歌曲中使用的和弦: F, Dm, Eb, Gm, Am, Db, Bb, G, Ab, C, A




Tablature / Chords (整首歌)

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专辑:  不知道
Key: 不知道和弦
F F             Dm Dm        Eb Eb             Gm Gm
Naturally the dying man wonders to himself
F F Dm Dm Eb Eb Gm Gm
Has commentary been more lucid than anybody else?
Am Am F F
And had he successively beaten back the rising tide
Dm Dm Db Db
Of idiots, dilettantes, and fools
Gm Gm
On his watch while he was alive
F F Db Db Dm Dm
Lord, just a little more time

Oh, in no time at all
Bb Bb F F Gm Gm
This'll be the distant past
G G Gm Gm

F F Dm Dm Eb Eb Gm Gm
So says the dying man once I'm in the box
F F Dm Dm Eb Eb Gm Gm
Just think of all the overrated hacks running amok
Am Am F F
And all of the pretentious, ignorant voices that will go unchecked
Dm Dm
The homophobes, hipsters, and 1%
Db Db Gm Gm
The false feminists he'd managed to detect
F F Db Db Dm Dm
Oh, who will critique them once he's left?

Oh, in no time at all
Bb Bb F F Gm Gm
This'll be the distant past
G G Gm Gm

Ab Ab C C F F Bb Bb
What he'd give for one more day to rate and analyze
Gm Gm C C F F
The world made in his image as of yet
Bb Bb Dm Dm Gm Gm C C
To realize what a mess to leave behind

F F Dm Dm Eb Eb Gm Gm
Eventually the dying man takes his final breath
F F Dm Dm Eb Eb Gm Gm
But first checks his news feed to see what he's 'bout to miss
Am Am F F
And it occurs to him a little late in the game
Dm Dm
We leave as clueless as we came
A A Gm Gm
For the rented heavens to the shadows in the cave
F F Ab Ab Dm Dm
We'll all be wrong someday
Bb Bb Dm Dm Gm Gm

Bb Bb Dm Dm Am Am Gm Gm Bb Bb Dm Dm Gm Gm

Uke乐谱通过 , 27 Jan 2018

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