At Last Uke乐谱通过 Eva Cassidy

18 在歌曲中使用的和弦: G, Em, Am7, Eb7, D7, D9, E, G7, C7, G7b9, D, Gmaj7, G6, F#7, Bm7, Bm7/A, A7, F#dim7




Tablature / Chords (整首歌)

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Key: 不知道和弦
At Last

(Mack Gordon/Harry Warren)

Arr. Eva Cassidy

Intro, repeat twice: G G Em Em Am7 Am7 Eb7 Eb7 D7 D7

G G Em Em Am7 Am7 Eb7 Eb7 D7 D7
At last my love has

G G Em Em Am7 Am7 D9 D9
come along My lonely days

G G Em Em Am7 Am7 Eb7 Eb7 D7 D7
are over and life is like a

G G E E Eb7 Eb7 D7 D7
song 0h Yeah

G G Em Em Am7 Am7 Eb7 Eb7 D7 D7
At last the skies above are

G G Em Em Am7 Am7 D9 D9
blue And my heart was

G G Em Em Am7 Am7 D7 D7
wrapped in clover the night I

G7 G7 C7 C7 G7 G7 G7b9 G7b9
looked at you


Am7 Am7(open) D D Gmaj7 Gmaj7 G6 G6
I found a dream that I could speak to

F#7 F#7 G7 G7 F#7 F#7 Bm7 Bm7 Bm7/A Bm7/A Bm7 Bm7 Bm7/A Bm7/A
A A dream that I could call my own

Em Em A7 A7 D D F#dim7 F#dim7
I found a thrill to press my cheek to

Em Em A7 A7 Am7 Am7(open) D D
A A thrill that I have never known Oh yeah yeah


G G Em Em Am7 Am7 Eb7 Eb7 D7 D7
You smiled Oh and then the

G G Em Em Am7 Am7 D9 D9 spell was cast And here we are in

G G Em Em Eb7 Eb7 D7 D7
heaven for you were mine at

G G Em Em Am7 Am7 Eb7 Eb7 D7 D7
last for you were mine at

G G Em Em Am7 Am7 Eb7 Eb7 D7 D7 G7 G7/9

Uke乐谱通过 , 05 Mar 2010

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