Pineapple Head Uke乐谱通过 Crowded House

14 在歌曲中使用的和弦: D, G, F, C, Em, Em7, A2, A, Gm6/Bb, A7, E7sus4, Dsus4, Em+2, Asus4


Tablature / Chords (整首歌)

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年:  1994
Key: 不知道和弦和乐谱
Original tuning: +1.5 步骤 (original tuning)
Tab / chord progression arranged for the Ukulele.
d g f c
[intro motif - see tab at end]
d g f c
[intro motif]

Verse 1:
d g f c
Detective is flat, no longer
d g f c
It's always flat out. got the number of the
d g f c
Getaway car, didn't get
d g d d
Very far. [bridge motif - see tab at end]

Verse 2:
d g f c
As lucid as hell, these images
d g f c
Moving so fast, like a fever
d g f c
So close to the bone. i don't feel
d g d d
Too well. [bridge motif]

em em em7 em7
and if you choose
a2 a2 a a
To take that path
g g d d
I will play you like a shark
gm6/bb gm6/bb a7 a7
and i'll clutch at your heart
g g d d
I'll come flying like a spark
f f e7sus4 e7sus4
To inflame you...

d g f c
[intro motif]
d g f c
[intro motif]

verse 3:
sleeping alone, for pleasure
the pineapple head, it spins and it spins
like a number i hold, don't remember
if she was my friend. it was a long time
ago. [bridge motif]


d g f c
[intro motif]
d g f c
[intro motif]
d g f c
[intro motif]
d dsus4 d dsus4

verse 4:
sleeping alone, for pleasure
the pineapple head, it spins and it spins
like a number i hold, don't remember
if she was my friend. it was a long time
ago. [bridge motif]

end chorus:
em em em7 em7
and if you choose
a2 a2 a a
to take that path
em+2 em+2 em em
would you come to make me
asus4 a a2 asus4
g g d d
i will play you like a shark
gm6/bb gm6/bb a7 a7
and i'll clutch at your heart
g g d d
i'll come flying like a spark
f f e7sus4 e7sus4
to inflame you...
g g d d
gm6/bb gm6/bb a7 a7
i will clutch at your heart
g g d d
and come flying like a spark
f f e7sus4 e7sus4
to inflame you...

d g f c
[intro motif]
d g f c
[intro motif]
d g f c
[intro motif]

tab & chords:
intro motif:
d g f c

bridge motif:
d g d d

Uke乐谱通过 , 26 Dec 2009

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