Love Will Keep Us Together Uke乐谱通过 Captain and Tennille

18 在歌曲中使用的和弦: D, C, B, A, C6, B7, G, Gm, D+, D6, D7, F#, E, F, Bb, A7, G#, Eb




Tablature / Chords (整首歌)

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专辑:  不知道
Key: 不知道和弦


[Verse 1]

D D C6 C6 B7 B7
Love, love will keep us together, think of me babe whenever
G G Gm Gm
Some sweet talking boy comes along singing a song, don't mess around, you just got to be strong
D D D+ D+ D6 D6 D7 D7
Just stop, 'cause I really love you, stop, I'll be thinking of you
G G D D F# F# A A E E A A D D D D C C B B A A
Look in my heart and let love, keep us together

D D C6 C6 B7 B7
You, you belong to me now, ain't gonna set you free now
When those boys start hanging around, talking me down
Gm Gm
Hear with your heart and you won't hear a sound
D D D+ D+ D6 D6 D7 D7
Just stop, 'cause I really love you, stop, I'll be thinking of you
G G D D F# F# A A E E A A D D D D C C B B A A
Look in my heart and let love, keep us together, whatever


F F C C G G Bb Bb D D
Young and beautiful someday your looks will be gone
F F C C G G Bb Bb A7 A7
When the others turn you off, who'll be turning you on? I will, I will, I will

[Verse 2]

D D C6 C6 B7 B7
I will be there to share forever, love will keep us together
G G Gm Gm
Said it before and I'll say it again, while others pretend, I need you now and I'll need you then
D D D+ D+ D6 D6 D7 D7
Stop, 'cause I really love you, stop, I'll be thinking of you
G G D D F# F# A A E E A A D D F# F# G G G# G# A A
Look in my heart and let love, keep us together, whatever, I will, I will, I will


D D C6 C6 B7 B7 G G Gm Gm

D D D+ D+ D6 D6 D7 D7
Stop, 'cause I really love you, stop, I'll be thinking of you
G G D D F# F# A A E E A A D D F# F# G G G# G# A A
Look in my heart and let love, keep us together, whatever, I will, I will, I will, I will


(Eb Eb Db6 Db6) repeat

Uke乐谱通过 , 29 Aug 2022

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