Dreaming Uke乐谱通过 Birdthrower

6 在歌曲中使用的和弦: E7, D, C, A7, D7, A




Tablature / Chords (整首歌)

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专辑:  不知道
Key: 不知道和弦
(E7 E7) When I was a baby boy
I never touched a single toy
the doctor knew the reason why
He told my mama not to cry
He told her I was (D D) dreamin (C C)
(D D) Dreamin my (E7 E7) life away

(E7 E7) When I finally went to school
I never learned a single rule
the teacher got me in my chair
Then she said it was I wasn't even there
She told her I was (D D) dreamin (C C)
(D D) Dreamin my (E7 E7) life away

(D D) Mama I'm sorry, (A7 A7) daddy let me ex(E7 E7)plain
(D7 D7) I'm right here, I (A7 A7) promise I'm not in (E7 E7) pain
I (D D) know it seems I'd (A7 A7) rather be in outter (E7 E7) space
(D D) Listenin to music....... (A A)….It's comin from another (E7 E7) place

(E7 E7) Well I finally got a job
My boss he liked to call me Bob
I said hey man, that't not my name,
He said you never listen, so it's all the same
You're just (D D) dreamin (C C)
You're (D D) dreamin your (E7 E7) life away

(E7 E7) I fell in love with a funny girl
We got a place and We gave that a whirl
we made love in the fire light
and she walked out on me one winter night
she said I can't take any more of this, (D D) dreaming (C C)
(D D) you're dremain our (E7 E7) life away

(D D) Mama I'm sorry, (A7 A7) daddy let me ex(E7 E7)plain
(D7 D7) I'm right here, I (A7 A7) promise I'm not in (E7 E7) pain
I (D D) know it seems I'd (A7 A7) rather be in outter (E7 E7) space
(D D) Listenin to music....... (A A)….It's comin from another (E7 E7) place

I'm just (D D) dreamin, (C C) (D D) I'm dreamin my (E7 E7) life away
Don't you know I'm just (D D) dreamin, (C C) (D D) dreamin my (E7 E7) life away
Got to keep on (D D) dreamin, (C C) (D D) I'm dreamin my (E7 E7) life away

Uke乐谱通过 , 22 Jan 2023

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