用你的尤克里里琴演奏The Decemberists的歌曲
Top Tabs and Chords by The Decemberists, 不要错过这些歌曲!
与The Decemberists相似的艺术家
有一些 28 The Decemberists 在数据库里的ukulele琴谱及和弦
- chords Bandit Queen给歌曲评分!
- chords Billy Liar Part
- chords Carolina Low给歌曲评分!
- chords Cavalry Captain Part
- chords Down By The Water给歌曲评分!
- chords Down By The Water
- chords Down By The Water Part给歌曲评分!
- chords Eli The Barrow Boy
- chords Engine Driver给歌曲评分!
- chords From My Own True Love (lost At Sea)给歌曲评分!
- chords Grace Cathedral Hill给歌曲评分!
- chords January Hymn Part给歌曲评分!
- chords Lake Song给歌曲评分!
- chords Make You Better
- chords Mariner's Revenge
- chords Mariner's Revenge Song给歌曲评分!
- mix O Valencia Part给歌曲评分!
- chords Of Angels And Angles给歌曲评分!
- chords Red Right Ankle给歌曲评分!
- chords Sixteen Military Wives给歌曲评分!
- chords Sons And Daughters给歌曲评分!
- chords The Engine Driver给歌曲评分!
- chords The Legionaire's Lament给歌曲评分!
- chords The Mariner's Revenge
- chords The Shankill Butchers
- tab The Tain Part Iv给歌曲评分!
- chords Traveling On给歌曲评分!
- chords Why Would I Now?给歌曲评分!
The Decemberists 专辑
你们准备好了吗 为The Decemberists的下一场演唱会.