Thomas Fersen ukulele tabs

Play songs by Thomas Fersen on your Uke

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32 songs (5 tabs and 27 chords)

Top Tabs & Chords by Thomas Fersen, don't miss these songs!

There are 32 Thomas Fersen Ukulele tabs and chords in database

Thomas Fersen Albums

Biography Thomas Fersen

Thomas Fersen is a French singer-composer born in 1963 in Paris. In his youth, he joined a punk band, before playing the piano in cafés-théatre. His first album in 1993 brought him an immediate success. Fersen is a poet, who enjoys playing with language -he writes his lyrics exclusively in french-, using words, rhymes, symbols and images of vegetal or animal world. He tells strange and funny stories, impressions and dreams of casual life. His smoker's deep voice gives a particular tone to his songs. His musical style varies from one album to another (rock, folk, jazz and blues..).

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