4 Chords used in the song: F, G, C, DM
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Transpose chords:
I'd like to build the world a siteG
And furnish it with pornC
Draw hentai pics and girls with dicksDM
And tentacles galoreF
I'd like to teach the world to fapG
In perfect harmonyC
I'd like to show you dirty toonsDM
For all eternityF
I'd like to see the world for onceG
All standing cock in handC
And hear them jerk it far and wideDM
Spray jizz throughout the landF
I'd like to teach the world to fapG
In perfect harmonyF
I'd like to build the world a siteG
And furnish it with pornC
Draw hentai pics and girls with dicksDM
And tentacles galoreF
I'd like to teach the world to fapG
In perfect harmonyC
I'd like to show you dirty toonsDM
For all eternityF
I'd like to see the world for onceG
All standing cock in handC
And hear them jerk it far and wideDM
Spray jizz throughout the landF
I'd like to teach the world to fapG
In perfect harmonyF
I'd like to teach the world to fapG
In perfect harmony
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About this song: I'd Like To Teach The Word To Fap
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