8 Chords used in the song: Gm, Bb, C, Eb, A, Dm, Cm, Ab
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Transpose chords:
Gm Bb C Gm Bb C
Fire burn, and toil
Bb C Gm
Kettle bubble, water boil.
Assam, Salem,
Bb C Gm
Bitter trouble, very strong
Bb C
Lizzie: (spoken)
Prussic acid is one of the
most rapidly acting toxins
which affects mammals.
Black leaves, and steep
Bb C Gm
Settle cozy, dark as sleep
Oh soothe this day
Bb C Gm
Milk and sugar, cup o’ tea
Bb C
Lizzie: (spoken)
Several common plants can
accumulate large quantities.
Shattercane and velvet grass, Fire burn, and toil
Bb C Gm
Sorghum and white clover, Kettle bubble, water boil.
Millipedes and burnet moths, Assam, Salem,
Bb C Gm
Flax when winter’s over. Bitter trouble, very strong.
Cherry stones and apricots, Black leaves, and steep
Bb C
Pale and milky silent Settle cozy, dark as sleep
Gm Bb
Poison for it’s Prussian blue.. Oh soothe this day
Milk and sugar, cup o’ tea
Eb A
Ferric phenyl cyanide, 300 parts per million.
Dm C
Prussic acid, blue-ish clear, protoplasmic poison.
Eb A
Boils at 26 degrees and faintly tastes of almonds.
Dm C
Death is by paralysis of heart and respiration.
Eb Cm
Passes through unbroken skin.
Gm Gm Ab Bb
Careful, for it’s found within…
Shattercane and velvet grass,
Bb C
Sorghum and white clover,
Millipedes and burnet moths,
Bb C
Flax when winter’s over.
Cherry stones and apricots,
Bb C
Pale and milky silent
Poison for it’s Prussian blue,
Bb C
Beautiful and violent.
Eb A
Following directions in the Book of Household Poisons.
Just a drop dropped in the milk
Cm Eb
And hope that she’ll enjoy some.
Mind you don’t forget to close your eyes and hold your breath.
Wouldn’t it be easy, now?
A perfect little death.
Dm Eb Cm
Just drop a grain into her tea,
Gm Gm Ab Bb
Mrs Borden, R.I.P.
Shattercane and velvet grass, Fire burn, and toil
Bb C
Sorghum and white clover, Kettle bubble, water boil.
Millipedes and burnet moths, Assam, Salem,
Bb C
Flax when winter’s over. Bitter trouble, very strong.
Cherry stones and apricots, Black leaves, and steep
Bb C
Pale and milky silent Settle cozy, dark as sleep
Poison for it’s Prussian blue Oh soothe this day
Bb C
Beautiful and violent Milk and sugar, cup o’ tea
Shattercane and velvet grass,
Bb C
Sorghum and white clover, Milk and sugar, cup o’ tea
Millipedes and burnet moths,
Bb C
Flax when winter’s over. Milk and sugar, cup o’ tea
Cherry stones and apricots,
Bb C
Pale and milky silent Milk and sugar, cup o’ tea
Poison for it’s Prussian blue,
Bb C
Beautiful and violent. Milk and sugar, cup o’ tea
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About this song: Shattercane And Velvetgrass (Lizzie The Musical)
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