Bigmouth Strikes Again Uke tab by The Smiths (Baritone Chords)

6 Chords used in the song: Am, Am7, C, Dadd9, F, G

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Year:  1986
Key: C, AmChords
Am Am  Am7 Am7     C C         Dadd9 Dadd9        Am Am  Am7 Am7  
Sweetness, sweetness, I was only joking when

F F G G Am Am Am7 Am7 C C Dadd9 Dadd9 Am Am Am7 Am7 F F G G
I said I'd like to smash every tooth in your head

Am Am Am7 Am7 C C Dadd9 Dadd9 Am Am Am7 Am7
Sweetness, sweetness I was only joking when
F F G G Am Am Am7 Am7 C C Dadd9 Dadd9 Am Am Am7 Am7
I said by rights you should be bludgeoned in your bed.

F F G G Am Am Am7 Am7 C C Dadd9 Dadd9
And now I know how Joan of Arc felt, now I know how

Am Am Am7 Am7 F F G G Am Am Am7 Am7
Joan of Arc felt, as the flames rose
C C Dadd9 Dadd9 Am Am Am7 Am7 F F G G
to her Roman nose and her Walkman started to melt

Am Am Am7 Am7 C C Dadd9 Dadd9
Bigmouth la da da da da
Am Am Am7 Am7 F F G G
Bigmouth la da da da
Am Am Am7 Am7 C C Dadd9 Dadd9
Bigmouth strikes again and I've got no right to take my place with the
Am Am Am7 Am7 F F G G
human race

Uke tab by , 17 Jul 2013

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About this song: Bigmouth Strikes Again

Here is some background information on "Big Mouth Strikes Again" from The high-pitched voice in the background is Morrissey's altered to a higher pitch. The sleeve notes credit it to Ann Coates, but that is just a jokey reference to the Ancoats area of Manchester, The Smiths' home town.

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