5 Chords used in the song: G, Gsus4, Am, F, A
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Transpose chords:
G Gsus4
Readying to bury your father and your mother
G Gsus4
What did you think when you lost another?
G Gsus4
I used to wonder why did you bother
G Gsus4
Distanced from one, blind to the other?
G Gsus4 x2
G Gsus4
Listen here, my sister and my brother
G Gsus4
What would you care if you lost the other?
G Gsus4
I always wonder why did we bother
G Gsus4
Distanced from one, deaf to the other
Am f G
Oh, oh, but sweetness follows
Gsus4 G Gsus4
G Gsus4
It's these little things, they can pull you under
G Gsus4
Live your life filled with joy and wonder
G Gsus4
I always knew this altogether thunder
G Gsus4
Was lost in our little lives
Am F G Gsus4
Oh, oh, but sweetness follows
Am F G Gsus4
Oh, oh, but sweetness follows
G Gsus4
It's these little things, they can pull you under
G Gsus4
Live your life filled with joy and thunder
G Gsus4
Yeah, yeah, we were altogether
G Gsus4
Lost in our little lives
Am F G Gsus4
Oh, oh, ah
A F G Gsus4
Oh, oh, sweetness follows
Am F G
oh, oh sweetness follows
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About this song: Sweetness Follows
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