Pigs (three Different Ones) Uke tab by Pink Floyd (Baritone Chords)

8 Chords used in the song: Em, C, G, A7, Am7, D, Bb, Am

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Year:  1977
Key: G, EmChords
Em Em                C C                 G G     Em Em
Big man, pig man, ha ha charade you are
C C G G Em Em
You well heeled big wheel, ha ha charade you are
And when your hand is on your heart
A7 A7
You're nearly a good laugh, almost a joker

With your head down the pigbin saying keep on digging
Am7 Am7
Pig stain on your fat chin

What do you hope to find down in the pig mine

You're nearly a laugh, you're nearly a laugh
Em Em C C Em Em D D Em Em D D Em Em D D Em Em D D
But you really a cry______

Em Em C C G G Em Em
Bus stop rat bag, ha ha charade you are
C C G G Em Em
You fucked up old hag, ha ha charade you are
You radiate cold shafts of broken glass
A7 A7
You're nearly a good laugh, almost worth a quick grin

You like the feel of steel, you're hot stuff with a hat pin
Am7 Am7
And good fun with a hand gun

You're nearly a laugh, you're nearly a laugh
Em Em C C Em Em D D Em Em D D Em Em D D Em Em D D
But you're really a cry______

Em Em D D Em Em D D Em Em D D Em Em D D Em Em D D Em Em D D Em Em D D Em Em D D

C C Bb Bb C C Bb Bb C C Bb Bb C C Bb Bb C C Bb Bb C C Bb Bb Em Em ....

Em Em C C Em Em C C Em Em C C Em Em C C Em Em C C Em Em C C Em Em C C

Em Em C C G G Em Em
Hey you, Whitehouse, ha ha charade you are
C C G G Em Em
You house proud town mouse, ha ha charade you are
You're trying to keep our feeling off the street
Am Am
You're nearly a real treat, all tight lips and cold feet

And do you feel abused

.......! .......! .......! .......!

You gotta stem the evil tide and keep it all on the inside

Mary, you're nearly a treat, Mary, you're nearly a treat
Em Em C C Em Em D D Em Em D D Em Em D D Em Em D D
But you're really a cry_____

Em Em D D C C D D

Uke tab by , 19 May 2014

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Sadfacerory avatar
It seems pretty close in some regards, I think it hops quickly to Gm after the G's in the verse.
20 Feb 2016

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About this song: Pigs (three Different Ones)

"Pigs (Three Different Ones)" is a song from Pink Floyd's 1977 album Animals. In the album's three parts, "Dogs," "Pigs," and "Sheep," pigs represent the people whom Roger Waters considers to be at the top of the social ladder, the ones with wealth and power; they also manipulate the rest of society and encourage them to be viciously competitive and cutthroat, so the pigs can remain powerful. Waters suggests that the pigs manipulate the dogs in the lines "Gotta admit, that I'm a little bit confused/Sometimes it seems to me, as if I'm just being used" in the song "Dogs."

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