No Tomorrow Uke tab by Orson (Baritone Chords)

6 Chords used in the song: Ebm7, Bbm, B, G#, C#, Bb

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Year:  2006
Key: unknownChords

Ebm7 Ebm7

Ebm7 Ebm7 Bbm Bbm B B Ebm7 Ebm7 Bbm Bbm
Let's go to a rave,And behave like we're trippin'

B B Ebm7 Ebm7 Bbm Bbm B B G# G#
Simply 'cause we're so in love.

Funny hats, shiny pants-
All we need for some romance,
Go get dolled-up
And I'll pick you up.

There's no line for you and me
'Cause tonight we're V.I.P.
(I know somebody at the door).

I see that twinkle in your eye,
You shake that ass and I just die,
Let's check our coats and move out to the floor.

B B C# C#
When I'm dancing with you
Bb Bb Ebm7 Ebm7
Tomorrow doesn't matter.
B B C# C#
Turn that music up
Bb Bb Ebm7 Ebm7
'Till the windows start to shatter
B B C# C# Bb Bb Ebm7 Ebm7
'Cause you're the only one who can get me on my feet.
G# G#
And I can't even dance.

Just look at me, Silly Me,
I'm as happy as can be-
I got a girl who thinks I rock.
And tomorrow there's no school,
So lets go drink some more Red Bull,
And not get home 'till about 6:00.


Everybody here is staring
At the outfit that you're wearing-
(I) Love it when they check you out.
Cover's only twenty bucks,
And even if the dj sucks
It's time to turn this mutha out!

Chorus Chords

When we're together
There's no tomorrow,
No Tomorrow.
When we're together
There's no one in the world
G# G#
but you and me.
Just you and me.
You and me

Uke tab by unknown, 11 Sep 2009

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