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I think of Cyou in the window G
I see your Amface almost every night F
Sure, maybe CSalt Lake is not close G
But I'm still Ambreathin' you in deep F
C The best part is knowin' G there's somethin' in my dreams
That Amalways makes me Fsmile, it's Cyou
The best part is knowin' Gthere's someone in my life
That Ammakes it all worthFwhile
It's Dmyou
When I don't know what to Gdo
No, I'm Cnever givin' up, Gnever givin' up on Amyou, baby Dm
There's no need to be Gblue
C The best part is knowin' G there's somethin' in my dreams
That Amalways makes me Fsmile, it's Cyou The best part is knowin' G there's someone in my life
That Ammakes it all worthFwhile
It's Cyou
You, you, G with you
You, you, it's Amyou F
It's Cyou
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About this song: Even When/ The Best Part
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