Nora Uke tab by NØGEN (Baritone Chords)

4 Chords used in the song: Gm, Em, Bm, F

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Year:  2017
Key: unknownChords
Gm Gm   Em Em   Bm Bm   F F

Beldur pauso bakoitza kontatzen etorri naiz
Bideak esango didanaren zain
Azkeneko aldi batez
Ezerri helduko banintz
Zutik itzuliko al zinake
Eguzkia joan baino lehen
La la la la la
Oh oh oh
La la la la la
Oh oh oh
Do you think you are alone in this?
You are made of stone, you may not fear
Esku hutsik zatozen arren
Gora, gora, gora
Do you think you are alone in this?
You are made of stone, you may not fear
Esku hutsik zatozen arren
Gora, gora, gora begira
Zauriz hazi ta minez hezi den norberan sena
Kemena du zinez ederra, baina iluna izanez
Zergatik, zergatik, zergatik
Eta azkenean ez dezu ezer egin
La la la la la
Oh oh oh
La la la la la
Oh oh oh
La la la la la
Oh oh oh
La la la la la
Oh oh oh
Do you think you are alone in this?
You are made of stone, you may not fear
Esku hutsik zatozen arren
Gora, gora, gora
Do you think you are alone in this?
You are made of stone, you may not fear
Esku hutsik zatozen arren
Gora, gora, gora begira

Uke tab by , 07 Nov 2023

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