Trampoline Uke tab by Nevershoutnever (Baritone Chords)

7 Chords used in the song: D, Bm, Am, G, A, Dm, F

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Album:  unknown
Key: unknownChords
(D D)
And who would have thought that a cutie pie just like you
(Bm Bm)
Would have anything to do with a smelly dude like me
(D D) (Bm Bm)
I find it hard to believe

(little riff)

(D D)
And who would have thought that you ever woul've kissed my cheek
(Bm Bm) (D D)
In your backyard, on your trampoline that night
(Am Am) - (press and release your pointerfinger)
I'll never put up a fight

(G G) (A A)
And I know that you're all shook up from a terrible relationship
(Bm Bm) (D D)
He broke your heart, yeah he tore it into pieces
(G G) (A A) (Bm Bm)
But I promise you dear, I'll never touch you like he did
(Am Am) (A A) (D D)
So baby please take my hand, and you'll never be alone again

WHISTLE - Bm Bm G G A A D D x2

(D D)
And every single time I look into your eyes

I see a little bit more sunshine
(Bm Bm)
I feel a little bit more like me

Instead of who I turned out to be
(D D)
Wouldn't trade it for a thing
(Am Am) - Do the same, press and release
Can I call you my baby?

(G G) (A A)
And I know that you're all shook up from a terrible relationship
(Bm Bm) (D D)
He broke your heart, yeah he tore it into pieces
(G G) (A A) (Bm Bm)
But I promise you dear, I'll never touch you like he did
(Am Am) (A A) (Dm Dm)
So baby please take my hand, and you'll never be alone again

Then there's the same as an F F but you move it 2 frets down, and when you sing "love" you release the middle finger
So it goes like this:

(F F)
Cause I know he broke your heart
(release) (A A)
But I'll love you until the end
(Am Am) (A A) (D D)
So baby please take my hand, and you'll never be alone again
(Am Am) (A A) (D D)
So baby please take my hand, and you'll never be alone again
(Am Am) (A A) (D D)
So baby please take my hand, and you'll never be alone again

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Uke tab by , 02 Apr 2011

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tylerCOW avatar
flag for US(ISO2) (Brentwood)
pretty good :)
20 Apr 2011

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