12 Chords used in the song: G, B7, Em, Dm7, G9, C, Em7, A7, Am7, D7, E7, D
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Transpose chords:
G B7
May you always walk in sunshine,
Em Dm7 G9
Slumber warm when night winds blow;
C G Em7
May you always live with laugh-ter,
A7 Am7 D7
For a smile becomes you so.
G B7
May good fortune find your doorway,
Em Dm7 G9
May the blue bird sing your song;
C G Em7
May no trouble tra - vel your way,
A7 Am7
May no worry stay too long.
G Am7 D7
May your heartaches be for-got-ten,
G Am7 D7
May no tears be spilled;
G Am7 D7
May old ac-quain-tance be re-mem-bered,
G Am7
And your cup of kindness filled, and
G B7
May you always be a dreamer,
Em Dm7 G9
May your wildest dreams come true;
C G E7
May you find someone to love
A7 D G
As much as I love you.
G B7
May you always be a dreamer,
Em Dm7 G9
May your wildest dreams come true;
C G E7
May you find someone to love
A7 D G
As much as I love you.
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About this song: May You Always
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