6 Chords used in the song: Cm, Gm, C, C7, Fm, Eb
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Transpose chords:
Cm Gm
She's got a knuckle in her eye,
Cm Gm
He knows her catcall,
Cm Gm
Can't escape from telling lies,
C C7 Gm
I heard her saying:
C Gm
Hey, mind if I take this chair?
C Gm
Hey, mind if I take this chair?
He drops a pause,
She looks annoyed,
But she's so mean,
He thinks she has to be the one.
Fm Cm
Taken by a stranger,
Gm Eb Cm
Stranger things are starting to begin.
Fm Cm
Lured into the danger,
Gm Eb Cm
Trip me up and spin me round again.
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About this song: Taken By A Stranger
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