7 Chords used in the song: Am, F, D, G, C, G#, B
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Transpose chords:
Am F
I walked across a crowded street
A sea of eyes cut through me
And i saw you in the middle
Am F
Your upset face, you wear it well
You camouflage the way you feel
When everything's the matter
We've all been down that road before
Searching for that something more
Worlds are spinning round
G G#
There's no sign of slowing down
Am B C D F
So won't you take a breath, just take a breath
People change and promises are broken
G G#
Clouds can move and skies will be wide open
Am B C D F
Don't forget to take a breath
Am F
Blink our eyes life's rearranged
To our surprise it's still okay
It's that way things happen
Am F
Summer comes and then it goes
Hold on tight and brace for cold
And it's only for a moment
We've all been down that road before
Searching for that something more
Worlds are spinning round
G G#
There's no sign of slowing down
Am B C D F
So won't you take a breath, just take a breath
People change and promises are broken
G G#
Clouds can move and skies will be wide open
Am B C D F
Don't forget to take a breath
C G Am
Life isn't suffocating
Air isn't overrated
Worlds are spinning round
G G#
There's no sign of slowing down
Am F
So won't you take a breath, just take a breath
Worlds are spinning round
G G#
There's no sign of slowing down
Am B C D F
So won't you take a breath, just take a breath
People change and promises are broken
G G#
Clouds can move and skies will be wide open
Am B C D F
Don't forget to take a breath
Worlds are spinning round
G G#
There's no sign of slowing down
Am B C D F
So won't you don't forget to take a breath
end repeating chorus twice
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