Give Me Jesus Uke tab by Fanny J. Crosby (Baritone Chords)

7 Chords used in the song: F, C7, C, Am, Bb, G9, G7

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Album:  unknown
Key: unknownChords
F F                   C7 C7   F F  C C  C7 C7
Take the world, but give me Je-sus,
C7 C7 F F C7 C7 F F C7 C7 Am Am F F
All its joys are but a name;
F F C7 C7 F F C C C7 C7
But His love a-bid-eth ev-er,
C7 C7 F F C7 C7 F F C7 C7 F F
Through e-ter-nal years the same.

F F Bb Bb F F
Oh, the height and depth of mercy!
F F C C G9 G9 G7 G7 C C-C7 C7
Oh, the length and breadth of love!
F F C7 C7 F F C C C7 C7
Oh, the fullness of re-demp-tion,
C7 C7 F F C7 C7 F F C7 C7 F F
Pledge of end-less life a-bove!

Verse 2:
F F C7 C7 F F C C C7 C7
Take the world, but give me Je-sus,
C7 C7 F F C7 C7 F F C7 C7 Am Am F F
Swee-test com-fort of my soul;
F F C7 C7 F F C C C7 C7
With my Savior watch-ing o’er me,
C7 C7 F F C7 C7 F F C7 C7 F F
I can sing though bill-ows roll.

Verse 3:
F F C7 C7 F F C C C7 C7
Take the world, but give me Je-sus,
C7 C7 F F C7 C7 F F C7 C7 Am Am F F
Let me view His con-stant smile;
F F C7 C7 F F C C C7 C7
Then throughout my pil-grim jour-ney
C7 C7 F F C7 C7 F F C7 C7 F F
Light will cheer me all the while.

Verse 4:
F F C7 C7 F F C C C7 C7
Take the world, but give me Jesus.
C7 C7 F F C7 C7 F F C7 C7 Am Am F F
In His cross my trust shall be,
F F C7 C7 F F C C C7 C7
Till, with clearer, bright-er vis-ion,
C7 C7 F F C7 C7 F F C7 C7 F F
Face to face my Lord I see.

Uke tab by , 08 Jun 2016

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