5 Chords used in the song: Cm, D#, G#, G, Gm
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Transpose chords:
Cm D#
Here is the house
G# G
Where it all happens
Cm D#
Those tender moments
G# G
Under this roof
Cm D#
Body and soul come together
G# G
As we come closer together
And is it happens
It happens here
Cm D# G# G
In this house
And I feel your warmth
And it feels like home
And there's someone
D# G Cm
Calling on the telephone
Let's stay home
It's cold outside
And I have so much
G Cm Gm
To confide to you
G# D#
With or without words
I'll confide everything
Cm D#
Here is the house
G# G
Where it all happens
Cm D#
Those tender moments
G# G
Under this roof
Cm D#
Body and soul come together
G# G
As we come closer together
And is it happens
It happens here
Cm D# G# G
In this house
So we stay at home
And I'm by your side
And you know
D# G Cm
What's going on inside
Inside my heart
Inside this house
And I just want to
G Cm Gm
Let it out for you
G# D#
And I feel your warmth
And it feels like home
Cm D#
And I feel your warmth
And it feels like home
Cm D#
Here is the house
G# G
Where it all happens
Cm D#
Those tender moments
G# G
Under this roof
Cm D#
Body and soul come together
G# G
As we come closer together
And is it happens
It happens here
Cm D# G# G
In this house
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