End Credits (ft. Plan B) Uke tab by Chase and Status (Baritone Chords)

6 Chords used in the song: G, C, E, A, C#, B

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Album:  unknown
Key: unknownChords

It's the same chords through the song.

g c e a

I Play the C#maj like 6-5-4-4, This way you can slide your finger easy to each chord.

When the blood dries in my veins
C#maj C#maj
And my, heart feels no more pain
I know, I'll be on my way
To heaven's door

I know when I'm not
I'll be hoping I don't drop
To a place where I will rise, like before

I can feel, something happening
That I've never felt before
Hopeless dreaming will start
Dragging me away from heavens door

When my mind stops thinking
And my eyes stop blinking
I hope...
Somebody's there

And my heart stops beating
And my lungs stop breathing
In air...
I hope somebody cares

When the blood dries in my veins
And my, heart feels no more pain
I know, I'll be on my way
To heaven's door

I know when I'm not
I'll be hoping I don't drop
To a place where I will rise, like before

I can feel, something happening
That I've never felt before
Hopeless dreaming will start
Dragging me away from heavens door

When my mind stops thinking
And my eyes stop blinking
I hope...
Somebody's there

And my heart stops beating
And my lungs stop breathing
In air...
I hope somebody cares

When my mind stops thinking
And my eyes stop blinking
I know...
At the end

Uke tab by , 13 Jul 2012

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