3 Chords used in the song: C, Em, G
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Okay is it rolling...? Okay...
Grab my terryfold flapsEm
Grab my flappy foldsG
Grab my terryfoldsG
Grab my foldy flaps
[Bridge 1]C
Hey, touch my foldy flapsEm
Grab my terryfoldsG
Grab my foldy holdsG
Grab my terry flapsC
In my terryfoldsEm
Grab my terry flapsG N.C.
You gotta touch 'em... my terryfolds
[Chorus 1]C
Grab my terryfoldsEm
Touch my holdy flapsG
Take a big flapG
Take my foldy flaps (Aaah)C
My terryfolds (Aaah)Em
My foldy holds (Oooh)G
And my terry flaps
Gotta grab my terry flaps
[Chorus 2]C
Grab my terry flapsEm
Squeeze my holdy foldsG
Hold my goldy foldsG
Grab my foldy toldsC
Grab my terry flap holdsEm
Grab my terryfoldsG
Hold my foldy foldsG
Hold my terryfolds
[Verse 1]C
Hey, did you ever wanna hold a terryfold?
I got one right here (here)G
Grab my terry flap
Squeeze it, grab it, squeeze and tug on my terry flapC
Hey, I wanna take you to the terryfold dance
Wanna come with me?G
You can grab my holdy folds
Squeeze them tight, you son of a bitch!C
Suck my holdy flappy foldsEm
Lick my flappy foldy holdsG
My terry flaps in your mouthG
Suck my flaps you piece of shit!
[Bridge 2]C
Fuck you (fuck you)
You stupid dumb motherfucking bitch (Aaah Aaah)
Hey, grab my terry flaps
Gonna eat those toldy folds
[Verse 2]C
I gotta couple of terryfold flapsEm
I got a flappy foldy flapG
I'm gonna go take you to foodG
Gonna eat, then we're going to the terryfold dance (dance)
You and meEm
We're gonna go to the terryfold placeG
It's gonna be a night outG
Gonna have a real fancy time
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