5 Chords used in the song: G, D7, G7, Am, C
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Transpose chords:
A New Moon An Old Flame And You
G D7 G
The moon was a thin slice of silver
G7 Am
Sailing the dark southern skies
An old flame still burned in my memory
Long after we said goodbye
D7 G
They say love can rise from the ashes
G7 Am
If the moon and the moment are right
D7 G
But I never dreamed it could happen
C D7 G
Till I ran into you tonight
G7 C D7 G G7
A new moon is shining an old flame is burning
C D7 G G7
Nights for believing a dream can come t-rue
C D7 G G7
Whirling around us weaving it's magic
C D7 G
A new moon an old flame and you
D7 G
We laughed and we talked about old times
G7 Am
What we'd been doing since then
As time passed you moved ever closer
And I felt those feelings again
D7 G
I wondered where all this was leading
G7 Am
Till the moment we touched and I knew
D7 G
Love was still there and just waiting
C D7 G
For a new moon an old flame and you
Repeat #3
C D7 G
A new moon an old flame and you
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