Soft Shock Tab de uke por Yeah Yeah Yeahs (Acordes Barítonos)

4 Acordes usados na música: Am, C, G, D

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  2009
Tom: G, EmAcordes
Am Am    C C                         G G               D D
Ooooooooooh ooooooooh, ah ah
Am Am C C G G D D
Ooooooooooh ooooooooh, ah ah

Am Am C C G G D D
Unknown, talk to unknown
Am Am C C G G D D
Ever, lasts forever
Am Am C C G G D D
Well, it's a sharp shock to your soft side
Am Am C C G G D D
Summer moon, catch your shuteye
Am Am C C G G D D
In your room, in my room
Am Am C C G G D D
In your room, in my room

Am Am C C G G D D
Louder, lips speak louder
Am Am C C G G D D
Better back together
Am Am C C G G D D
Still it's a sharp shock to your soft side
Am Am C C G G D D
Summer moon, catch your shuteye
Am Am C C G G D D
In my room, in your room
Am Am C C G G D D
In my room, in your room

Am Am C C
What's the time, what's the day, gonna leave me
What's the time, what's the place, gonna leave me
Am Am C C
What's the time, what's the day, gonna leave me
G G D D Am Am C C
What's the time, what's the place, gonna leave me out
Leave me out
Am Am C C
Leave me out
Leave me out

Am Am C C G G D D
Ooooooooooh ooooooooh, ah ah
Am Am C C G G D D
Ooooooooooh ooooooooh, ah ah

Tab de uke por , 23 Abr 2013

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