Smile Tab de uke por Westlife (Acordes Barítonos)

16 Acordes usados na música: Gmaj7, Am7, D7, G, G7, G6, Gaug, Bbdim, Am, E7, Eaug, Cm, F7, Em, E9, G#

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
Padrõe de batida: d-d-d-d

by Westlife

Gmaj7 Gmaj7 Am7 Am7 D7 D7

G G Gmaj7 Gmaj7
Smile though your heart is aching.
G7 G7 G6 G6
Smile even though it's breaking
Gaug Gaug Bbdim Bbdim Am Am
When there are clouds in the sky,
E7 E7 Am Am
you'll get by if you smile
Eaug Eaug
through your fear and sorrow;
Cm Cm F7 F7
Smile and maybe tomorrow
G G Em Em
You'll see the sun
Am Am D7 D7
come shining through for you.

G G Gmaj7 Gmaj7
Light up your face with gladness;
G7 G7 G6 G6
Hide every trace of sadness.
Gaug Gaug Bbdim Bbdim
Although a tear
Am Am E9 E9
may be ever so near
Am Am
That's the time,
Eaug Eaug
you must keep on trying.
Cm Cm F7 F7
Smile, what's the use of crying?
G G Em Em
You'll find that life
Am Am
is still worthwhile,
D7 D7 G G ~
If you just smile.

G G Gmaj7 Gmaj7
G7 G7 G6 G6
Gaug Gaug Bbdim Bbdim
Am Am E9 E9

Am Am
That's the time,
Eaug Eaug
you must keep on trying.
Cm Cm F7 F7
Smile, what's the use of crying?
G G Em Em
You'll find that life
Am Am
is still worthwhile,
D7 D7 G# G# Gmaj7 Gmaj7 ~ G G ~
If you just smile.

Tab de uke por , 30 Abr 2024

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