Come Back To Me Tab de uke por Utada Hikaru (Acordes Barítonos)

4 Acordes usados na música: G, Dsus4, Em7, Cadd9

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  2009
Tom: C, D, GAcordes
G     (320033)
Dsus4 (xx0233)
Em7 (022033)
Cadd9 (x32033)

The rain falls on my windows
Dsus4 Dsus4
And the coldness runs through my soul
Em7 Em7
When the rain falls, oh when the rain falls
Cadd9 Cadd9
I don't want to be alone

G G Dsus4 Dsus4
I wish that I could Photoshop on
Our bad memories
Em7 Em7
Because the flashbacks, oh the flashbacks
Cadd9 Cadd9
Won't leave me alone

If you come back to me
Dsus4 Dsus4
I'll be all that you need
Em7 Em7
Baby, come back to me
Cadd9 Cadd9 G G
Let me make up for what happened in the past

Baby come back to me
Dsus4 Dsus4
Come back
I'll be everything you need
Em7 Em7
Come back
Baby come back to me
Cadd9 Cadd9
Come back
Boy, you're one in a million

Baby come back to me
Dsus4 Dsus4
Come back
I'll be everything you need
Em7 Em7
Come back
Baby come back to me
Cadd9 Cadd9
Come back
Boy, you're one in a million

Tab de uke por , 02 Jan 2013

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