6 Acordes usados na música: C7, F, Dm, Gm, G7, C
Transpor cifras:
(C7) A- (F) -way in a manger,
No (F) crib for (Dm) a (Gm) bed,
The (C7) little lord (F) Jesus (Dm) laid (G7) down his sweet (C) head.
(C7) The (F) stars in the bright sky,
Looked down where (Dm) he (Gm) lay,
The (C7) little lord (F) Jesus, (Dm) a-(Gm)-sleep on (C7) the (F) hay.
(C7) The (F) cattle are lowing,
The baby (Dm) a-(Gm)-wakes,
The (C7) little lord (F) Jesus (Dm) no (G7) crying he (C) makes.
(C7) I (F) love thee lord Jesus,
Look (F) down from (Dm) the (Gm) sky
And (C7) stay by my (F) bedside (Dm) till (Gm) morning (C7) is (F) nigh.
(C7) Be (F) near me lord Jesus,
I ask thee (Dm) to (Gm) stay,
Close (C7) by me for (F) ever (Dm) and (G7) love me I (C) pray.
(C7) Bless (F) all the dear children,
In (F) thy ten-(Dm)-der (Gm) care,
And (C7) fit us for (F) heaven (Dm) to (Gm) live with (C7) thee
(F) there.
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