Standing Next To Me Tab de uke por The Last Shadow Puppets (Acordes Barítonos)

5 Acordes usados na música: Am, F, Em, G, Dm

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Tablature / Chords (Canção Simplificada)

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Ano:  2008
Tom: C, AmAcordes
Am Am
Want her,
Am Am
Have her
Am Am
Two years have gone now,
F F Em Em
But I can't relate to the never-ending games that you play.
As desire passes through,

Then you're open to the truth,
Em Em
I hope you understand.


Am Am F F Am Am
And your love is standing next to me
F F Em Em
Standing next to me

(Repeat Verse + Chorus)

Am Am F F Em Em G G Am Am
And your love is standing next to me, is standing next to me,
F F Em Em G G Dm Dm
is standing next to me, is standing next to me.

(solo chords)
Dm Dm G G Am Am Em Em F F Em Em Am Am Em Em F F Em Em Dm Dm G G F F Em Em G G Am Am. . .

(Repeat Verse + Chorus)

Tab de uke por , 11 Nov 2009

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