9 Acordes usados na música: C, Dm, Em, F, G, E7, Am, Ab, Fm
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Transpor cifras:
Intro : C Dm Em F G 2x
F Em F Em
I'm afraid to fly, and I don't know why
F C Dm F G
I'm jealous of the people who are not afraid to die
F Em F Em
It's just that I recall, back when I was small
Someone promise that they'd catch me
Dm F G
But then they let me fall
F Em F,Em F E7 Am
And now I'm fallin, fallin fallin fast again
Ab C
Why do I always take a fall
Dm Fm C Dm Em F G
When I fall..... in love
F Em F Em
You think by now I've learned, play with fire You'll get burn
F C Dm F G
But fire can be oh so warm and that's why i return
F Em F Em
Turn and walk away, that's what i should do
F C Dm F G
My head says go and find the door, my heart says I found you
repeat refrain
Loving someone, losing mysef
Only got me to blame
F,Em F,Em F E7 Am
Help me I'm fallin, Fallin , catch me if you can
Ab C
Maybe this time, I’ll have it all
Ab C
Maybe I’ll make it after all
Ab C
May be this time I wont fall......
Dm Fm C
When I fall ...... in love
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