Hear The Love You Whisper Tab de uke por Sagel (薩吉) (Acordes Barítonos)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
Padrõe de batida: d-du-u-du

I didn't expect
To meet a boy
Just like you
You're like the gift
To save me from
Chaotic world
I don't wanna lie
You made me a
Better one
Please don't let me alone
I need you now
Hear the love love love you whisper
Kiss on my lips
Kiss in my dream
See the light light light in my life
You are my hope
Spend all all all of my luck
To be with you
Wonder if I deserve you
Wish this beautiful fate
Stay forever
Remember the night
When I met you
On the street
Like everyone else
Disappeared disappeared
Just me and you
I believe in the fate
I fell in love
I don't know what is like
Just remember the night
Hear the love love love you whisper
Kiss on my lips
Kiss in my dream
See the light light light in my life
You are my hope
Spend all all all of my luck
To be with you
Wonder if I deserve you
Wish this beautiful fate
Stay forever
Hear the love love love you whisper
Kiss on my lips
Kiss in my dream
See the light light light in my life
You are my hope
Spend all all all of my luck
To be with you
Wonder if I deserve you
Wish this beautiful fate
Stay forever
Hear the love love love you whisper
Kiss on my lips
Kiss in my dream
See the light light light in my life
You are my hope
Spend all all all of my luck
To be with you
Wonder if I deserve you
Wish this beautiful fate
Stay forever

Tab de uke por , 08 Set 2023

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