Can't Blame A Girl For Trying Tab de uke por Sabrina Carpenter (Acordes Barítonos)

13 Acordes usados na música: C, Dm, Am, F, Caug, C6, C7, Fm, Em, D, D7, G, G7

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  2015
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
This tab may be a bit harder than all the other tabs but it's still very very easy and sounds the most like the original song

If you want to see it being performed watch it at

Strumming pattern:
Verses - d * u-u * u (*=chuck)
Whole song - dduudu

Verse 1: C C Dm Dm Am Am F F
Here I am again,
The same old situation.
Why does the guy thing have to be so complicated?
I should of played it cool,
Instead I made a fool,
Oh The things I do

Pre Chorus: C C Caug Caug C6 C6 C7 C7
Cause I'm young, and I'm dumb
I do stupid things when it comes to love

Chorus: F F F F Fm Fm Fm Fm
And even if I always end up crying
Well you can't blame a girl for trying
Oh oh, oh oh
No, you can't blame a girl for trying
Oh oh ooooh...

Interlude: C C Dm Dm Am Am F F

Verse 2: C C Dm Dm Am Am F F
I should've shut my mouth, I could've kept it quiet
I might have freaked him out cause I was so excited
But I just couldn't wait, I took a leap of faith
Oh the things I say

Pre Chorus: C C Caug Caug C6 C6 C7 C7
Cause I'm young, and I'm dumb
I do stupid things when it comes to love

Chorus: F F F F Fm Fm Fm Fm
And even if I always end up crying
Well you can't blame a girl for trying
Oh oh, oh oh
No, you can't blame a girl for trying
Oh oh, no... no

Interlude: C C Dm Dm Am Am F F

Am Am Em Em
And I think sometimes
I tend to be my own worst enemy
Am Am Em Em
And maybe someday
D D D7 D7
I'm gonna catch a shooting star falling out of the blue
G G G7 G7
Doing what I do

Verse 3: C C Dm Dm Am Am F F
And just as I'm giving up, my heart is palpitating
Here comes another one, and it's so intoxicating
Being where I've been, I know that in the end
I'll do it all again

Pre Chorus: C C Caug Caug C6 C6 C7 C7
Cause I'm young, and I'm dumb
I do stupid things when it comes to love

Chorus: F F F F Dm Dm Dm Dm F F F F G7 G7 G7 G7
And even if I always end up crying
Well love will find me, there ain't no denying
That you can't blame a girl for trying

Interlude: C C Dm Dm Am Am F F
Oh oh, oh oh
No, you can't blame a girl for trying
Oh oh, oh oh oh
End on C C

⇢ Não satisfeito com esta tablatura? Ver 3 outra(s) versão(ões)

Tab de uke por , 10 Jan 2017

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ArrowBird avatar
flag for US(ISO2) (boston)
It is very complex but it sounds really good!!! I use the strumming pattern
DTU UTU T:tap, it goes to the same beat as ddu udu
09 Sep 2018
Padrõe de batida
Chaya2004 avatar
I would simplify it.
12 Mar 2018
240549 avatar
flag for CA(ISO2) (Bracebridge)
THIS IS AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
05 Aug 2017
EstherEggie avatar
flag for US(ISO2) (Granger)
This is perfect!
30 Apr 2017

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