7 Acordes usados na música: E, D#7, B, A, C#m, G#, Em
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Transpor cifras:
[Verse 1]
E D#7 E B
My sweethearts piano is rat filled
E D#7 A B
And mine is infested with bugs
E D#7 C#m B
The music we make is unnatural
E D#7 E B
But it sounds just like falling in love
This Butch
This Butch
This Butch
This Butch
E D#7 E B
She makes me go weak in the knees
E D#7 A B
But I can’t let her see me swoon
E D#7 E B
Or else she may think I am weak
E D#7 A B
Tomorrow I’ll dig through the garbage
E D#7 A B
And I’ll fish out all kinds of new trash
E D#7 A B
And when we go back to my apartment
she’ll probably kick--
[Verse 2]
E D#7
I sing her songs
E B E D#7 E
In my garage and make her fall in love
with me
E D#7
And once we’re done
The sun is gone
E D#7 E B
We both just laugh so nervously
E D#7 A G#
I talk real slow and speak real low
E D#7 E B
Hoping she’ll lean into me
E D#7 E B
And we just laugh cause where was I
E D#7 A B
We can’t take ourselves seriously
This Butch
This Butch
This Butch
This Butch
E D#7 Em B
She makes me go weak in the knees
E D#7 A B
But I can’t let her see me swoon
E D#7 E B
Or else she may think I am weak
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