8 Acordes usados na música: Gmaj7, Cmaj7, Gsus2, Em, C7, Cm6, Ebdim, G7
Transpor cifras:
Gmaj7 Cmaj7
Let's go in the garden
Gmaj7 Gsus2
You'll find something waiting
Em C7
Right there where you left it
Gmaj7 Gsus2
Lying upside-down
Gmaj7 Cmaj7
When you finally find it
Gmaj7 Cm6
You'll see how it's faded
Em C7
The underside is lighter
Gmaj7 Gsus2
When you turn it around
Everything stays
Right where you left it
Everything stays
Cm6 Em
But it still changes
G7 Cmaj7
Ever so slightly
Cm6 Gmaj7
Daily and nightly
In little ways
Cm6 Em
When everything stays
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