13 Acordes usados na música: C, Dm, E7, Am, Bb, C7, F, Em, A7, G7, Gm7, Dm7, F7
Transpor cifras:
C Dm E7
[Greg] Bright sunny day don't cost nothing
Am Bb C7
Light summer breeze don't cost nothing
F Em A7
What do I do with all this money?
Dm G7
When the only thing I want is you
C Dm E7
Palling around don't cost nothing
Am Bb C7
Singing a song don't cost nothing
F Em A7
How do I spend all this money?
Dm G7 C
I'd rather just spend time with you
Gm7 C7
[Steven] You could buy a house and a car
F Dm7
[Greg] I guess that I can but I've already got a van
I could put you through college
[Steven] But I'm with the Gems all the time
F F7
[Greg] Or I could buy you all the finest courses online
[Steven] What if we took a trip?
[Greg] Do you think?
C7 F
[Steven] Yeah I do! We could take a vacation
A7 Bb
We could go somewhere new
(for the first chord in the first 4 verses)
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