5 Acordes usados na música: G, D, Em, Am, B
Transpor cifras:
Cum On Feel the Noise
G D Em
cum on feel the noise
girls rock your boys
Am G D Am G D
we'll get wild wild wild, wild wild wild
So you think I've got an evil mind
I'll tell you honey
Am G D
I don't know why
I don't know why
So you think my singin's out of chime
It makes me money
Am G D
I don't know why
I don't know why
Em D
Anymore, oh no
G D Em
So come on feel the noise
Girls rock your boys
Am G D
We'll get wild, wild, wild
Am G D
wild, wild, wild
G D Em
come on feel the noise
Girls rock your boys
Am G D
We get wild, wild, wild
Em D
Til dawn
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