700 Club Tab de uke por Nicole Dollanganger (Acordes Barítonos)

3 Acordes usados na música: F, Am, C

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Ano:  2013
Tom: C, F, Dm, AmAcordes
F F [let ring]
virgin mary, jesus christ
Am Am [let ring]
think i just found the light in your eyes
F F [let ring]
think i just became as religious as they come
Am Am [let ring]
i think i just found god
F F Am Am
dumb founded by the glow of your gold halo
F F Am Am
oh god i can't believe i'm staring at a living angel

C C Am Am
give me a bible, i'll put my hand on it
give me a pen to join the 700 club
Am Am F F
baptisms baby, dip me in the lake
Am Am C C
pour the holy water i'll drink the whole cup

C C Am Am F F
cause i never believed there was a heaven til i found you
C C Am Am F F
and i never prayed the church always told me to
Am Am C C
but now you can count on me to get on my knees for you

F F [let ring]
virgin mary, jesus christ
Am Am [let ring]
who would have thought all those church signs were right?
F F [let ring]
the lord did come and he is my savior
Am Am [let ring]
i'm a good girl now i'm a believer
F F Am Am
i don't have blind faith cause i've got proof
F F Am Am
i know angels are real now that i've found you

C C Am Am
give me a bible, i'll put my hand on it
give me a pen to join the 700 club
Am Am F F
baptisms baby, dip me in the lake
Am Am C C
pour the holy water i'll drink the whole cup

C C Am Am F F
cause i never believed there was a heaven til i found you
C C Am Am F F
and i never prayed the church always told me to
Am Am C C
but now you can count on me to get on my knees for you

Tab de uke por , 24 Jan 2018

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