Let Me Kiss You Tab de uke por Morrissey (Acordes Barítonos)

7 Acordes usados na música: Am, E, F, G, C, Dm, Em

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  2008
Tom: AmAcordes
Am Am        E E
There's a place in the sun
For anyone who has the will to chase one... and I
Am Am
I think I've found mine
F F E E Am Am
Yes, I do believe I have found mine

G G C C E E Am Am G G F F
So, close your eyes and think of someone you physically admire
Dm Dm C C Dm Dm
And let me kiss you, let me kiss you


Am Am E E F F G G
E E Am Am F F G G

Am Am E E F F C C G G
I've zig-zagged all over America and I cannot find a safety haven
E E Am Am F F
Say, would you let me cry on your shoulder
E E Am Am G G C C
I've heard that you'll try anything twice

C C E E Am Am G G F F
Close your eyes and think of someone you physically admire
Dm Dm C C Dm Dm
And let me kiss you, let me kiss you


Am Am Em Em F F G G
Em Em Am Am F F G G x2

C C E E Am Am G G F F
But then you open your eyes and you see someone that you physically despise
Dm Dm C C Dm Dm C C E E Am Am
But my heart is open, my heart is open to you.

Am Am Em Em F F G G
Em Em Am Am F F G G

Tab de uke por , 31 Jul 2013

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