State Of Dreaming Tab de uke por Marina (Acordes Barítonos)

5 Acordes usados na música: C, Em, Am, G, F

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: C, AmAcordes
C C                      Em Em              Am Am       G G
Millions of girls float on their one quote
C C Em Em Am Am G G
Living on their last hope, on their last hope
Am Am Em Em
I live my life inside a dream
Am Am Em Em
Only waking when I sleep
Am Am Em Em F F G G
I would sell my sorry soul, if I could have it all
Am Am G G Em Em F F
My life is a play, is a play, is a play
Am Am G G Em Em F F
My life is a play, is a play, is a play

C C Am Am
Yeah I’ve been living in the state of dreaming
Em Em F F
living in a make-believe land
C C Am Am Em Em F F
living in the state of dreaming, of dreaming, of dreaming

C C Em Em Am Am G G
All I really want is to be wonderful
C C Em Em Am Am G G
People in this town they, they can be so cruel
Am Am Em Em
I live my life inside a dream,
Am Am Em Em
only waking when I sleep
Am Am Em Em F F G G
If I could sell my sorry soul, I would have it all
Am Am G G Em Em F F
My life is a play, is a play, is a play
Am Am G G Em Em F F
My life is a play, is a play, is a play

C C Am Am
Yeah I’ve been living in the state of dreaming
Em Em F F
living in a make-believe land.
C C Am Am Em Em F F
Living in the state of dreaming, of dreaming, of dreaming.

Am Am G G
If only you knew my dear,
Em Em F F
How I live my life in fear.
Am Am G G
If only you knew my dear,
Em Em F F
How I know my time is near.

C C Am Am
Yeah I’ve been living in the state of dreaming
Em Em F F
living in a make-believe land
C C Am Am Em Em F F
living in the state of dreaming, of dreaming, of dreaming
C C Am Am
Living in the state of dreaming
Em Em F F
living in a make-believe land
C C Am Am Em Em F F
living in the state of dreaming, of dreaming, of dreaming

Am Am G G Em Em F F
My life is a play, is a play, is a play

Tab de uke por , 08 Ago 2016

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