Head To Toe Tab de uke por Lukey

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
If you saw from my eyes,
You wouldnt believe.....
The beauty shining through
Its everything about you.
That smile so wide,
From dimple to dimple.
Looking so good
While dressed so simple.

Everything about you
From head to toe
Youre more than
Than youll ever know

Dont get me started
On those amazing eyes
Multi coloured beauty
As piercing as the sky
Hair draping down
Or wound in a bun
You dont know
How much you stun

Everything about you
From head to toe
Youre more than
Than youll ever know

The body of a goddess
The beauty of a queen
I swear youre made up
Made up from a dream
Inside and out
The best i know
Whether its best dressed
Or kindest you know?

Everything about you
From head toe
Inside and out
The best ill ever know

Because she is my love
My love till the end
What you doing
For the next 50 years?
Want to grow old together
Hold back those tears.

Everything about you
From head to toe
Wouldnt wish another person
For the next 50 years

Tab de uke por , 18 Set 2024

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