The Day You Took The Good Away Tab de uke por Front Porch Step (Acordes Barítonos)

4 Acordes usados na música: F, C, Dm, Bb

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Ano:  2013
Tom: F, DmAcordes
Intro: F F C C Dm Dm C C Bb Bb C C Dm Dm C C

Verse 1:

F F C C Dm Dm C C
I saw you standing on that bridge
Bb Bb C C Dm Dm C C
Right then I knew the life that I would like to live
F F C C Dm Dm C C
Your frizzy hair tangled my mind
Bb Bb C C Dm Dm C C
Right then I knew that I would love you for all time
F F C C Dm Dm C C
You ran your hand across the ledge
Bb Bb C C Dm Dm C C
Right then I felt that all my hunger had been fed
F F C C Dm Dm C C
You cracked a smile up towards the sky
Bb Bb C C Dm Dm C C
That thought alone will keep me happy for my life

Bb Bb
But I ask now...


Bb Bb C C F F C C Bb Bb
How can angels fly when you're still on the ground
Bb Bb C C Dm Dm F F
Cause I've been searching my whole life for you to turn my life around
Bb Bb C C Dm Dm
And now I don't know what to say because the pain won't go away
F F Bb Bb C C F F
And I've crying since the day that you took all my good away

Verse 2:

F F C C Dm Dm C C
I wish I had never walked away
Bb Bb C C Dm Dm C C
Cause if I knew you'd jump, I'd dive into that bay
F F C C Dm Dm C C
And I would have saved you from the cold
Bb Bb C C Dm Dm C C
Cause when you took that leap you stole my heart and soul

Bb Bb
So I ask now...


Bb Bb C C F F C C Bb Bb
How can angels fly when you're still on the ground
Bb Bb C C Dm Dm F F
Cause I've been searching my whole life for you to turn my life around
Bb Bb C C Dm Dm
And now I don't know what to say because the pain won't go away
F F Bb Bb C C F F
And I've crying since the day that you took all my good away

Verse 3:

F F C C Dm Dm C C
Your mother said you're up above
Bb Bb C C Dm Dm C C
And all you wanted was a man for you to love
F F C C Dm Dm C C
Well I just started breaking down
Bb Bb C C Dm Dm C C Bb Bb
Because the angel I'd been searching for had left me on the ground
And now I'll die alone

Tab de uke por , 09 Jan 2016

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