5 Acordes usados na música: C, C7, F, G7, D7
Avalie a canção!
Transpor cifras:
Don't Leave Me Now
Recorded by Elvis Presley
written by Aaron Schroeder and Ben Weisman
C C7 F
Don't leave me now now that I need you
How blue and lonely I'd be
If you should say we're through
G7 C C7 F
Don't break my heart this heart that loves you
There'd just be nothing for me
If you should leave me now
What good is dreaming
If I must dream all alone by myself
D7 G7
Without you darling my arms would just gather dust
Like a book on a shelf
C C7 F
Come fill these arms that long to hold you
G7 C
Don't close your eyes to my plea oh don't you leave me now
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