Daniel Tab de uke por Elton John (Acordes Barítonos)

11 Acordes usados na música: C, F, G7, C/F, Dm, G, E7, Am, F/G, Fm, A7

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  1990
Tom: AmAcordes
C C F F G7 G7 C/F C/F C C

C C]Daniel is traveling tonight on a [Dm Dm]plane
[G G]I can see the red tail lights [E7 E7]heading for S[Am Am]pain
oh and [F F]I can see [G G]Daniel waving good[Am Am]bye
God it [F F]looks like Daniel, [G7 G7]must be the [F/G F/G]clouds in my [C C]eyes [G7 G7]

[C C]They say Spain is pretty though I've never [Dm Dm]been
[G G]Well Daniel says it's the best place [E7 E7]he's ever[Am Am]seen oh and [F F]He should [G G]know he's been there en[Am Am]ough
Lord [F F]I miss Daniel, [G7 G7]oh I [F/G F/G]miss him so [C C]much

[F F]Daniel my brother you are [C C]older than me
Do you still [F F]feel the pain of the [C C]scars that won't heal
Your eyes have [Am Am]died but you see more than [F F]I
[Fm Fm]Daniel you're a [C C]star [A7 A7]in the face of the [Dm Dm]sky [G7 G7]

C C]Daniel is traveling tonight on a [Dm Dm]plane
[G G]I can see the red tail lights [E7 E7]heading for S[Am Am]pain
oh and [F F]I can see [G G]Daniel waving good[Am Am]bye
God it [F F]looks like Daniel, [G7 G7]must be the [F/G F/G]clouds in my [C C]eyes [G7 G7]
[C C] [F F] [G7 G7] [C/F C/F] [C C]

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Tab de uke por , 07 Mar 2010

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