19 Acordes usados na música: Amaj7, Em7, A7, D, Dm7, G7, F#m, Bm7, E7, Cm7, F#7, A#dim, D#m7, G#7, B7, C#m7, A, F#, C#
Avalie a canção!
Transpor cifras:
Padrõe de batida: d-d-d-d
Amaj7 - Em7 - A7 - D - Dm7 - G7 - F#m - Bm7 - E7 - Cm7 (4th fret) - F#7 (3rd vartion) - A#dim - D#m7 - G#7 - B7 - C#m7
Single down stroke
Amaj7 / F#7 / | Bm7 / E7/ | A /// Bm7 / E7/
Amaj7 Em7 A7 D
Look at me, I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree
Dm7 G7
And I feel like I'm clingin' to a cloud
Amaj7 F#-7
I can't understand
Bm7 E7 C#- F#7 Bm7 E7
I get misty, just holding your hand
Walk my way
Em7 A7 D
And a thousand violins begin to play
Dm7 G7
Or it might be the sound of your hello
Amaj7 F#-7
That music I hear
Bm7 E7 A
I get misty, the moment you're near
Em7 A#dim
Can't you see that you're leading me on
And it's just what I want you to do
D#m7 G#7
Don't you notice how hopelessly I'm lost
B7 C#m7 F#7 Bm7 E7
That's why I'm following you
On my own
(dddd) Em7 A7 D
Would I wander through this wonderland alone
Dm7 G7
Never knowing my right foot from my left
Amaj7 F#-7
My hat from my glove
Bm7 E7 C#m7 F#7
I'm too misty, and too much in love
Too misty
And too much
In love
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