4 Acordes usados na música: F#m, Bm, E, D
Avalie a canção!
Transpor cifras:
F#m Bm
What if there was no light
Nothing wrong, nothing right
F#m Bm
What if there was no time
And no reason or rhyme
What if you should decide
F#m Bm E
That you don't want me there by your side
That you don't want me there in your life
What if I got it wrong
And no poem or song
Could put right what I got wrong
Or make you feel I belong
What if you should decide
That you don't want me there by your side
That you don't want me there in your life
D Bm
Oooh, that's right
F#m E
Let's take a break, try to put it aside
Oooh, that's right
I can't ignore it if you won't even try
Oooh, that's right
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