Who Am I To Stand In Your Way Tab de uke por Chester See (Acordes Barítonos)

4 Acordes usados na música: G, C, Em, D

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: G, EmAcordes
Capo 1st Fret

Here's a link to the track- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yxfyztjXUs

Forgive me
I may have said things
Em Em
That aren't exactly
The way that I feel

Same Chords as previous verse

I told you I'd be strong
I said that I've moved on
But it doesn't take long
To realize

C C D D Em Em G G C C
That I'm not over you

If there is somebody that makes you feel happy
Tends to your heart in the ways I'd been lacking
Em Em D D G G
Then who am I who am I to stand in your way

Verse Chords again

I know it sounds crazy
But I need you to trust me
If it's how it must be
Then I'll fade away

When it finally feels true
Do what you have to
Cause I'll never blame you
For not choosing me

But I'm not over you

Chorus chords

If there is somebody that makes you feel happy
Tends to your heart in the ways I'd been lacking
Then who am I who am I to stand in your
Way that I feel is no longer your burden
If there is someone that makes you feel perfect
Then who am I who am I to stand in your way

Em Em D D C C
Down the road someone will ask me if I know you
Em Em D D C C
I'll pause for a moment I'll smile and say that I used to

Back to the Chorus

Cause if there is somebody that makes you feel happy
Tends to your heart in the ways I'd been lacking
Then who am I who am I to stand in your
Way that I feel is no longer your burden
If there is someone that makes you feel perfect
Then who am I who am I to stand in your way

Tab de uke por , 30 Dez 2018

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