6 Acordes usados na música: G2, Em7, Csus4, Dsus4, D, Am7
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Transpor cifras:
Chill out, What you yellin' for?Em7
Lay back, it's all been done beforeCsus
And if you could only let it be, You will seeG2
I like you the way you areEm7
When we're, driving in your carCsus
And you're talking to meDsus
One on oneD
But you becomeCsus
Somebody else 'Round everyone elseEm7
Watchin' your back Like you can't relaxCsus
You're tryin' to be coolDsus
You look like a fool to me
Tell meEm7
Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?D
I see the way you'reEm7
Acting like you're somebody else gets me frustratedD
Life's like this, youEm7
And you fall and you crawl and you break and you takeCsus
What you get and you turn it intoAm7
Honesty Promise me I'm never gonna find you fake itCsus (NB)
No, no, no
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