Colt 45 Tab de uke por Afroman (Acordes Barítonos)

3 Acordes usados na música: A, C, D

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Tablature / Chords (Canção Simplificada)

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Ano:  2001
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
[A A]               [C C]                 [D D]                     [A A]

Said Colt 45 and two zig-zags baby thats all we need

[A A] [C C] [D D] [A A]

We can go to the park after dark and smoke that tumbleweed

[A A] [C C] [D D] [A A]

As the marijuana burns we can take our turn singing them dirty rap songs

[A A] [C C] [D D] [A A]

Stop and hit the bong like Cheech and Chong and sell tapes from here to Hong Kong

[A A] [C C] [D D] [A A]

So roll roll roll my joint pick out the seeds and stems

[A A] [C C] [D D] [A A]

Ridin high as hell flyin through palmdale skating on dantty rims

[A A] [C C] [D D] [A A]

So roll roll the eighty three cadillac coupe devill

[A A] [C C] [D D] [A A]

If my tapes and my cds just dont sell I bet my cadi will

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Tab de uke por , 21 Dez 2009

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someone now the pattern ??
14 Jan 2021

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